Friday, 28 September 2012

Set designing

Layla and I sat down and went through the timeline for our video step by step discussing each individual set , what we wanted to be happening in each and what we would need to complete the mise en scene.

The first photo shoot we decided would be very girly and we would fill the space with balloons tied to the ground, flowers on the floor and wall, fairy lights and such things all in light pinky colours.

We thought although this picture isn’t quite our idea the colours with a girly/ slightly sexy mood are what we want to represent in this first photo shoot.

As we were unsure of exactly what we were going to have in our second shoot we moved onto the café/bar set. This image inspired the look we want for our café but we wouldn’t have it so American, we want to make it feel more like a locals café similar to the one in the Dior advert.

To create the walls of the café we discussed making a fake backdrop which would also be good as that would be something we could have the guys carry across. We initially thought we could have a similar back to that in the picture about but instade of having actual objects we would have pictures of them, which would also reinforce the fake set look. We then could have the work men take down the back and change it to night bar lights. This idea has now slightly changed as we discussed it and realised it may not look local/ Frenchy enough so we did some more research (insparation picture below) and liked the idea of having curtains on a window so it will look like you can almost look outside which will make the set more realistically fake. We have asked and the department have a chequered floor which we really want for the café so that’s great, we just need to find the round tables and chairs.

We then had an issue as Sarah and Mina really liked the Burlesque idea for the second shoot but Layla and I worked out that it would look very confusing as we have a 60s French theme throughout the rest of the video so a random burlesque shoot wouldn’t fit in at all. So moving forward we thought about using the silhouette idea in this shoot instead of trying to involve it in her dressing room which we were finding very difficult to fit in. This idea still needs more development, which we will have to do before next Wednesday when we are presenting our sets to the designer.

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