Wednesday, 21 March 2012


what do you think the basic plot of the thriller is?
what do you think are the key strengths of this thriller and why?
how do you think this thriller could be made even more effective and why?

Kara Alberts
Government problem, hacked into military
titles and editing
Fran B.
security breech
good POV shots
lights not needed in the beginnings
hacker in a office, major world ambassidors under threat
very good use of editing and story
could have been a bit longer just to flas it out a bit
Anne Sophie VdW
presedent in danger political problem
very nice shots, interesting plot, makes me what to see the movie
bit confusing
Tilly Guttridge
political problem/issue
like the acompning of the non-diegetic music, titles cool
little to much dialog/ confusing editing of shots
about a hacker who hackes into national security
good storyline
put some suspense in
Conspiracy between the world leaders
effective close ups
I didn't understand it very well as there were a lot of shots of typing
President... attack of nations
Editing and music was good
It could be more clear what is happening

this is some feedback from our first public screening with our peers. i'm pleased with peoples response to the first question as it sounds like everyone seemed to understand the gist of the theme.

there was about 8 comments on how we had good shot types and angles, and quite a few also on our editing which i am really happy with because i participated in a lot of the editing.

in the answers to the final question there were a lot of comments about it being confusing wiuth all the different shots and all the dialog.

i am pretty happy with the results from our feedback and in relation to the confusion of the thriller i truthfully agree as i found it very difficult to edit it with flow and realism. We had to inform the audience of the different characters and locations involved but i think the hacker section confused most as people didn't understand him to be listening in on the conversation like we had planned. the montage at the beginning did well to inform some people of the hacking and security aspect of the thriller. i did struggle in the editing to fit all the plot in the 2 minutes and to keep it as simple as i could, but i feel their needs to be a bit of confusion in the audience to keep them intreeged to find out what is happening.

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