Monday, 5 December 2011


We struggled a lot a the beginning with where our location would be. Our initial idea was to have an office looking set like this image or a plain grey office wall, but as we began to look into these kinds of locations we realised the difficulties with it. Firstly would be finding the right location that looked how we wanted, but within an hour from Hurtwood. Secondly was having actors that we could have at this location as we wouldn't be able to use our teachers at an off site like that.

So we took another look at possible sets at Hurtwood and decided on a corridor underground which works perfectly with the idea that the President is walking to a top secret conference in a hidden location.

We would obviously be able to remove the bin and would only show the side with the blue pipes. the corridor is thin so we will use different shot types to get around that.
These are the steps leading down to the corridor. They obviously don't like very top secret official President location but by only using one or two steps at the bottom we will be able to use them to show that he is going under ground emphasising the secret location.
This is an example of the type of shot we would use.

This location is at my house and we would use it as the door to the bunker, conference room. Its a real safe door so is perfect for a secret conference call.

The type of conference room we want is a cross between the US bunker and his meeting room

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